Friday, September 21, 2012

Anniversaries and sister giggles

I feel so incredibly blessed right now. Tyler and I were able to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary yesterday. Thanks to my thoughtful dad who watched the girls, we were able to go out to dinner together before I had to go to school. I feel like our anniversary is not just a celebration of our wedding, it is a celebration that we are sealed together for all eternity. Which also means that we are sealed to our girls for all eternity. I felt like I was celebrating all day long, just by being with my girls and enjoying them. I am so grateful to know that families are forever.
Even though Tyler and I didn't get a ton of time together it still was a great day...except for the fact that I think I got food poisoning, and was up ALL night which was awful! But I'm feeling semi-better today.

Adalyn and Kora are becoming the greatest friends. As soon as they see each other in the morning, they both have these huge grins and giggles! All day long they sit together, play together, roll around together (even though Kora is a little too small for that still and it is Adalyn's favorite thing to do when Mommy is not looking). Kora always comes up with a smile. She loves her big sister and Adalyn loves that she is able to do more to help with "her baby Kora".

 It seems like this Summer will not end! Don't get me wrong, I like the summer, just not when it lasts 6 months! It finally cooled off enough tonight so that we could go for a walk. It was so nice to get some fresh air and I could try to walk off some of the icky from last night. They both got some energy out it made it for an easy bedtime. (hence me actually having time I have to blog).
 She thinks its funny to "shake her bummies" at me when I take her picture.
 But we still got a good one. :)
And I'm not sure I could ever get a bad picture of this angel!

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About Us

We were married on September 20, 2008. Since then, we have been blessed with two beautiful girls, Adalyn Victoria (born December 15, 2009) and Kora Jean (born March 7, 2012). We love or little family and couldn't be happier!